The needs facing our seniors is growing. And while we are meeting the needs of the seniors on Kane County, we cannot do it alone. We depend greatly on volunteers to help us achieve our mission.

Please consider volunteering a small amount of your time in one of the many areas where we serve seniors. 

There are many different ways you can have an impact on seniors. From preparing and delivering meals to seniors in their homes to helping coordinate events and activities or just to be a friendly, smiling face, we need volunteers. Below are a few of the ways you can volunteer with us:

Volunteers pick up pre-packaged meals at our kitchen and then use their personal vehicle to deliver the meals to the home bound senior. Routes are scheduled so that delivering meals to the seniors is as convenient as possible for our delivery volunteers.

Visit Home Delivered Meals / Meals On Wheels

Many times, our volunteers are the only people that a senior sees in a day. That is why it is so important that our volunteers take a moment to check on our seniors to make sure they are doing well and are not experiencing any issues. If there are any concerns or issues, we connect with the senior’s emergency contact so they can get the help and assistance they need.

Visit Well-Being Checks

Many of our seniors who live alone have pets to keep them company. Our volunteers help our seniors take care of their pets by bringing pet food and helping out where needed. We can use people to deliver pet food and even help with pet food donations.

Visit Pet Food Assistance

For our more active seniors, during lunchtime, our community dining sites provide them with time to get out and socialize with other seniors. Our volunteers can help out at the community dining centers in the kitchen or helping to serve our seniors meals.

Visit Community Dining

A network volunteer is someone who is well connected to the local community. They help spread the word about the programs we offer and help share the activities that we do to help our seniors. Volunteers can share emails, help coordinate events, share social media posts and other activities to bring awareness and support to what we do for our seniors.

Get More Information Or Sign Up To Volunteer Today

For more information, please call us at 630-338-0999.

If you would like more information about these or other potential volunteering opportunities at Kane Senior Council, please use the form on this page and LET’S CONNECT.


If you have a couple of extra hours a week and would like to make a real difference in someone’s life, then LET’S CONNECT. All you need is a heart to care and a desire to connect with others.

Let’s connect and we’ll help you make a difference.


Volunteering with KSC has no boundaries.

There are seniors in every town in Kane County who could use a helping hand.

Whether you live or work in the area, there are countless opportunities to make a difference.

You can even volunteer where you work, like delivering meals with your co-workers during your lunch hour.

Complete the form on this page to learn more about where your support is needed most.



Fill out the interest form. A volunteer coordinator will reach out to learn more about your volunteering interests.


We’ll teach you everything you’ll need to know to be a successful volunteer that seniors will love.


We’ll get you volunteering in no time so you can make a difference in a senior’s life.

We Are Your Community

Please visit below to SIGN UP for home delivered meals, to VOLUNTEER with us or to SUPPORT our mission to help seniors.