Corporate Compassion Care for the Sandwich Generation Workforce


Corporate Compassion Care for the Sandwich Generation Workforce Have you considered your organization's compassion in the lives of employees who are also caregivers? Thunderbird School of Global Management says, “Compassion is empathy in action. It isn’t just a shared feeling with a person or community; it’s acting with consideration, care, and relational understanding [...]

Corporate Compassion Care for the Sandwich Generation Workforce2024-05-02T10:56:59-05:00

The Caregiving Balancing Act: Support Systems for the Sandwich Generation


The Caregiving Balancing Act: Support Systems for the Sandwich Generation Are you juggling the dual roles of supporting your children, possibly helping with grandchildren, and assisting aging parents all at once? If so, you’re part of the Sandwich Generation, facing considerable caregiving challenges. This question resonates with millions who are navigating the daily [...]

The Caregiving Balancing Act: Support Systems for the Sandwich Generation2024-04-15T21:06:33-05:00

HR Champions of Aging-in-Place: Fostering Intergenerational Connections


HR Champions of Aging-in-Place: Fostering Intergenerational Connections Attention HR leaders and professionals!  “ The more HR and employers can be explicit about what they stand for and the purpose of the company, the more you’re going to attract your people,” says *Angela Howard, SPHR, founder and Chief Transformation Officer at Angela R. Howard [...]

HR Champions of Aging-in-Place: Fostering Intergenerational Connections2024-04-09T08:25:14-05:00

Bridging Generations: Engaging Activities for Seniors and Youth


Bridging Generations: Engaging Activities for Seniors and Youth Pt. 2 Calling all adult children of seniors, parents, teachers, and community organizers! As we step into spring, let's embrace this season of growth to start a collaboration between the energy of our youth and the experience of our seniors. The Stanford Center On Longevity [...]

Bridging Generations: Engaging Activities for Seniors and Youth2024-04-10T15:19:52-05:00

Preparing to Spring into Action: Intergeneration Activities for Seniors and Youth


Preparing to Spring into Action: Intergeneration Activities for Seniors and Youth How can the energy of spring inspire new connections between our seniors and youth? As buds become flowers, it brings a message of beginnings and renewal. This is an excellent time for seniors and youth to form connections and beginnings that bring [...]

Preparing to Spring into Action: Intergeneration Activities for Seniors and Youth2024-03-12T11:42:09-05:00

Businesses + Aging-In-Place Non-Profits for Intergenerational Success


Businesses + Aging-In-Place Non-Profits for Intergenerational Success How can your business cultivate a strong workforce and a significant community presence through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as we embrace the spirit of spring and new beginnings? One meaningful way is to support intergenerational programs with local aging-in-place non-profit organizations. A robust workforce and meaningful [...]

Businesses + Aging-In-Place Non-Profits for Intergenerational Success2024-03-01T08:14:57-06:00

Intergenerational Connections: How Businesses Can Champion Their Caregiver Workforce and Aging-in-Place Organizations


Intergenerational Connections: How Businesses Can Champion Their Caregiver Workforce and Aging-in-Place Organizations In today’s workplace, business leaders need to recognize the need to support a vital workforce segment: employee caregivers. Roughly 30 percent of family caregivers of older Americans live in a household that includes children or grandchildren. They are increasingly likely to [...]

Intergenerational Connections: How Businesses Can Champion Their Caregiver Workforce and Aging-in-Place Organizations2024-02-11T15:19:27-06:00

Supporting the Sandwich Generation: How Aging-in-Place Organizations Can Lighten the Load


Supporting the Sandwich Generation: How Aging-in-Place Organizations Can Lighten the Load A unique group finds themselves in a challenging and often overlooked position. These people are part of a demographic known as the Sandwich Generation. They find themselves between caring for their aging parents and supporting their children.  Balancing these dual roles on [...]

Supporting the Sandwich Generation: How Aging-in-Place Organizations Can Lighten the Load2024-01-18T12:31:55-06:00

Aging-in-Place and Your Business: What Will Be Your Organization’s Role in 2024


Aging-in-Place and Your Business: What Will Be Your Organization's Role in 2024 As a business leader, have you ever considered the impact your decisions could have on the well-being of seniors in your community? Or the employees, many of whom are balancing work demands and caring for their aging parents? What about you [...]

Aging-in-Place and Your Business: What Will Be Your Organization’s Role in 20242023-12-18T15:41:59-06:00
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